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Articles in impacted journals

  • Báča, V. - Horák, Z. - Mikulenka, P. - Džupa, V.: Comparison of an inhomogeneous orthotropic and isotropic material models used for FE analyses. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2008, vol. 30, no. 7, p. 924-930. ISSN 1350-4533.
  • Báča, V. - Kachlik, D. - Horák, Z. - Stingl, J.: The Course of Osteons in the Compact Bone of the Human Proximal Femur with Clinical and Biomechanical Significance.Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2007, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 201-207. ISSN 1279-8517.
  • Balík, K. - Sochor, M. - Hulejová, H. - Suchý, T. - Černý, M.: The influence of a short-term tissue culture medium storage on the mechanical properties of composites based on glass fibers and polysiloxane. Ceramics - Silikáty. 2007, vol. 51, no. 4, p. 198-201. ISSN 0862-5468.
  • Balík, K. - Suchý, T. - Sucharda, Z. - Černý, M. - Bačáková, L. - et al.: Effect of nano/micro particles of calcium phosphates on the mechanical properties of composites based on polysiloxane matrix reinforced by polyamide. Ceramics - Silikáty. 2008, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 260-267. ISSN 0862-5468.
  • Balík, K. - Suchý, T. - Sucharda, Z. - Rýglová, Š. - Denk, F.: Design for a Filler of an Intervertebral Cage for Spine Treatment on the Basis of Fibers and Particulate Composites. Ceramics - Silikáty. 2009, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 310-314. ISSN 0862-5468.
  • Bendová, P. - Horáčková, Š. - Meszárošová, M. - Špringrová, I. - Tichý, M. - et al.: Experimental Implementation of MRI Data in Detection and Simulation of Myoskeletal Dysfunction. Rehabilitácia. 2005, roč. 42, č. 2, s. 73-80. ISSN 0375-0922.
  • Bendová, P. - Růžička, P. - Peterová, V. - Fričová, M. - Špringrová, I.: MRI-based registration of pelvic alignment affected by altered pelvic floor muscle characteristics.Clinical Biomechanics. 2007, vol. 2007, no. 22, p. 980-987. ISSN 0268-0033.
  • Bouda, T. - Horák, Z.: Numerical Analysis of the Posterior Fixation System. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2009, roč. 5, č. 20, s. 73-77. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Broulík, P. - Rosenkrancová, J. - Růžička, P. - Sedláček, R. - Kurcová, I.: The effect of chronic nicotine administration on bone mineral content and bone strength in normal and castrated male rats. HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH. 2007, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 20-24. ISSN 0018-5043.
  • Broulík, P. - Vondrová, J. - Růžička, P. - Sedláček, R. - Zíma, T.: The Effect of Chronic Alcohol Administration on Bone Mineral Content and Bone Strength in Male Rats.Physiological Research. 2010, vol. 59, no. 4, p. 599-604. ISSN 0862-8408.
  • Broulík, P. - Vondrová, J. - Sedláček, R. - Růžička, P.: Effect of Alendronate Administration on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Strength in Castrated Rats. HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH. 2005, no. 37, p. 414-418. ISSN 0018-5043.
  • Colombo, V. - Čadová, M. - Gallo, L.M.: Mechanical behavior of bovine nasal cartilage under static and dynamic loading. Journal of Biomechanics. 2013, vol. 46, no. 13, p. 2137-2144. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Čadová, M. - Daniel, M. - Gallo, L.M.: Type of Attachment of Cartilage in Synovial Joint Can Set Apart Articular Cartilage and Fibrocartilage – Numerical Plowing Loading Analysis. Russian journal of biomechanics. 2014, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 283-289. ISSN 1812-5123.
  • Čadová, M. - Gallo, L.M.: Is OpenSim suitable for masticatory system analysis?. Russian journal of biomechanics. 2013, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 53-67. ISSN 1812-5123.
  • Čadová, M. - Vilímek, M. - Daniel, M.: A comparative study of muscle force estimates using Huxley's and Hill's muscle model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2014, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 311-317. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Čadová, M. - Vilímek, M.: The Necessity of Physiological Muscle Parameters for Computing the Muscle Forces: Application to Lower Extremity Loading During Pedalling.Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2009, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 59-64. ISSN 1509-409X.
  • Čech, V. - Palesch, E. - Lukeš, J.: The glass fiber-polymer matrix interface/interphase characterized by nanoscale imaging techniques. Composites Science and Technology. 2013, vol. 83, p. 22-26. ISSN 0266-3538.
  • Čermáková, R. - Horák, Z. - Sedláček, R. - Růžička, P. - Řezníček, J.: ARTHROSCOPIC INSTRUMENT FOR TRANSPLANTED CARTILAGE GRAFTS DIAGNOSIS. Lékař a technika. 2008, roč. 38, č. 4, s. 61-64. ISSN 0301-5491.
  • Černý, F. - Jech, V. - Konvičková, S. - Suchánek, J.: Selected properties of a-C:H PACVD coatings. Applied Surface Science. 2009, vol. 256, no. S, p. S22-S25. ISSN 0169-4332.
  • Černý, F. - Jech, V. - Štěpánek, I. - Macková, A. - Konvičková, S.: Decorative a-C:H coatings. Applied Surface Science. 2009, vol. 256, no. 3S, p. S77-S81. ISSN 0169-4332.
  • Černý, F. - Konvičková, S. - Jech, V. - Hnatowicz, V.: Simple Mathematical Models of High Energy Ion Beam Assisted Deposition Concentration Profiles in Binary Thin Films. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2011, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 8936-8942. ISSN 1533-4880.
  • Černý, F. - Pitter, J. - Konvičková, S. - Jech, V.: High temperature oxidation protective chromium-based coatings prepared by IBAD and PACVD methods. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2009, vol. 203, no. 17-18, p. 2566-2570. ISSN 0257-8972.
  • Černý, F. - Vlčák, P. - Kovac, J. - Šepitka, J. - Klíma, M. - et al.: Chemical Composition and Mechanical Characteristic of Nitrogen Ion Beam Mixed Carbon Nanolayer.Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 2014, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 488-492. ISSN 1934-7375.
  • Daniel, M. - Herman, S. - Dolinar, D. - Iglič, A. - Sochor, M. - et al.: Contact Stress in Hips with Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Clinical Orthopeadics and Related Research. 2006, vol. 447, no. 6, p. 92-99. ISSN 1528-1132.
  • Daniel, M. - Iglic, A. - Kralj-Iglic, V.: Hip contact stress during normal and staircase walking: the influence of acetabular anteversion angle and lateral coverage of the acetabulum. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2008, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 88-93. ISSN 1065-8483.
  • Daniel, M. - Iglič, A. - Kralj-Iglič, A.: The Shape of Acetabular Cartilage Optimizes Hip Contact Stress Distribution. Journal of Anatomy. 2005, vol. 207, no. 1, p. 85-91. ISSN 0021-8782.
  • Daniel, M. - Iglič, I. - Kralj-Iglič, V.: Computer system for determination of the quantitative anatomy of musculature from CT images. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2005, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 25-29. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Daniel, M. (recenz.) - Řezníčková, J. (recenz.): Energy of Quantum Dots Encapsulated in Biological Membrane. Procedia Engineering. 2014, vol. C, no. 79, p. 137-142. ISSN 1877-7058.
  • Daniel, M.: Boundary cartilage lubrication: review of current concepts. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 2013, vol. 164, p. 88-94. ISSN 0043-5341.
  • Daniel, M.: Hip Joint Reaction Force - Review. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2006, vol. 2, no. 6, p. 121-134. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Daniel, M.: Mechanobiosensors based on biological membrane. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2007, roč. 3, č. 11, s. 72-73. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Daniel, M.: Role of optimization criterion in static asymmetric analysis of lumbar spine load. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 2011, vol. 161, no. 19-20, p. 477-485. ISSN 0043-5341.
  • Debevec, H. - Iglič, A. - Daniel, M.: Simulation of hip joint contact stress distribution after acetabular fracture reconstruction. Electrotechnical Review. 2009, roč. 76, č. 3, s. 161-165. ISSN 0013-5852.
  • Debevec, H. - Pedersen, DR - Iglic, A. - Daniel, M.: One-Legged Stance as a Representative Static Body Position for Calculation of Hip Contact Stress Distribution in Clinical Studies. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2010, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 522-525. ISSN 1065-8483.
  • Denk, F. - Jíra, A. - Petrtýl, M. - Sedláček, R.: Strength of Collagen Fibres of the First Type - Verification "In Vitro". Pohybové ústrojí. Pokroky ve výzkumu, diagnostice a terapii. 2010, roč. 2010, č. 3, s. 304-310. ISSN 1212-4575.
  • Eichlerová, R. - Lukeš, J. - Konvičková, S. - Bradna, P.: EFFECT OF TIME ON NANOINDENTATION ELASTIC MODULUS OF THREE DIFFERENT DENTAL RESTORATIVE COMPOSITES. Chemicke Listy. 2010, vol. 104/2010, no. 15, p. 307-309. ISSN 0009-2770.
  • Eichlerová, R. - Lukeš, J. - Šepitka, J. - Konvičková, S.: EFFECT OF LIGHT ABSORPTION ON INDENTATION MODULUS OF DENTAL FILLING COMPOSITES. Chemicke Listy. 2011, vol. 2011, no. 105, p. 794-795. ISSN 0009-2770.
  • Eichlerová, R. - Lukeš, J. - Šepitka, J.: Nanoscale mechanical analysis of dental filling composite and its finite element modeling. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2011, vol. 2011, no. 14, p. 261-262. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Elkins, J. - Daniel, M. - Pedersen, D. - Singh, B. - Yack, HJ - et al.: Morbid Obesity May Increase Dislocation in Total Hip Patients: A Biomechanical Analysis. Clinical Orthopeadics and Related Research. 2013, vol. 471, no. 3, p. 971-980. ISSN 1528-1132.
  • Filová, E. - Suchý, T. - Sucharda, Z. - Šupová, M. - Žaloudková, M. - et al.: Support for the initial attachment, growth and differentiation of MG-63 cells: a comparison between nano-size hydroxyapatite and micro-size hydroxyapatite in composites. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 3687-3706. ISSN 1178-2013.
  • Fischer, M. - Mlček, M. - Konvičková, S. - Kittnar, O.: Computer insight into the molecular level of heart failure. What is the role of NCX?. Acta Polytechnica. 2008, vol. 48, no. 1, p. 3-10. ISSN 1210-2709.
  • Fischer, M. - Mlček, M. - Konvičková, S. - Kittnar, O.: Mathematical Model of the Electromechanical Heart Contractile System - Electronic "knockout" of NCX. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2007, roč. 3, č. 10, s. 63-71. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Franta, L. - Kronek, J. - Suchánek, J.: TKA wear testing input after kinematic and dynamic meta-analysis: technique and proof of concept. Wear. 2011, vol. 2011(271), no. 9-10, p. 2687-2692. ISSN 0043-1648.
  • Fričová, M. - Horák, Z. - Jirman, R. - Konvičková, S.: Modelling of Temporomandibular Joint and FEM Analysis. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2006, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 37-45. ISSN 1509-409X.
  • Frýda, J. - Šepitka, J. - Frýdová, B. - Hrabánková, I. - Lukeš, J. - et al.: Crystallographic texture determines mechanical properties of molluscan nacre. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2013, vol. 16, p. 292-293. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Frýdová, B. - Šepitka, J. - Stejskal, V. - Frýda, J. - Lukeš, J.: Nanoindentation mapping reveals gradients in the mechanical properties of dental enamel in rat incisors.Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2013, vol. 16, p. 290-291. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Gedeon, O. - Lukeš, J. - Jurek, K.: Reduced Young modulus and hardness of electron irradiated binary potassium-silicate glass. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2012, vol. 2012, no. 275, p. 7-10. ISSN 0168-583X.
  • Goldmann, T. - Himmlová, L. - Aleksic, Z. - Ihde, S.: The Use of Finite Element Analysis to Model Bone-Implant Contact with Basal Implants. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology . 2008, vol. 106, no. 1, p. 309-316. ISSN 1079-2104.
  • Goldmann, T. - Himmlová, L.: A novel methodology for in vivo monitoring of chewing forces acting on a single lower molar during bolus processing. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2009, vol. 2009, no. 19, p. 66-70. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Goldmann, T. - Ihde, S. - Kuželka, J. - Himmlová, L.: Bendanle vs. Angulated Dental Implants: Consideration of Elastic and Plastic Material Properties Based On Experimental Implant Material Data and FEA. Biomedical Papers. 2008, vol. 152, no. 2, p. 309-316. ISSN 1213-8118.
  • Goldmann, T. - Konvičková, S. - Holý, S. - Himmlová, L.: Measurement of Human Hasticatory Biomechanics - Preliminary Study of Chewing Kinematics. Journal of Biomechanics. 2006, vol. 39, no. S1, p. S567. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Goldmann, T. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: A new Methodology of Elastic Properties Evaluation of Cortical Bone by Ultrasonic Wave Inversion. Journal of Biomechanics. 2006, vol. 39, no. S1, p. S465-S466. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Goldmann, T. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Determination of Elastic Coefficients of Bone and Composite Materials by Acoustic Immersion Technique. Technology and Health Care. 2006, vol. 14, no. 4,5, p. 219-232. ISSN 0928-7329.
  • Goldmann, T. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Experimental Determination of Elastic Coefficients of Dry Bovine Bone. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2005, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 262-275. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Goldmann, T. - Vilímek, M.: Kinematics of human spine during hippotherapy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2012, vol. 15, no. S1, p. 203-205. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Gultová, E. - Horný, L. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - Adámek, T. - et al.: Preservation of tangent modulus of pericardial tissue during cold storage. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2013, vol. 16, no. S1, p. 318-319. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Gultová, E. - Horný, L. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R.: A comparison between exponential and limiting fiber extensibility pseudo-elastic model for the Mullins effect in arterial tissue.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2011, vol. 49, no. 4, p. 1203-1216. ISSN 1429-2955.
  • Himmlová, L. - Goldmann, T. - Ihde, S. - Konvičková, S.: TIME ANALYSIS OF HARD AND SOFT BOLUS PROCESSING. Biomedical Papers. 2007, vol. 151, no. 2, p. 327-332. ISSN 1213-8118.
  • Himmlová, L. - Goldmann, T. - Kácovský, A.: Stability of Bone Bed Crest of Loaded Implant - Comparison with Finite Element Models. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2005, roč. 1, č. 4, s. 276-286. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Holub, O. - Otáhal, M. - Otáhal, S.: Interconnecting measured data of in vivo kinematics and spinal functional unit in vitro. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009, vol. 2009, no. 12, p. 145-146. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Horák, Z. - Hrubina, M. - Džupa, V.: Biomechanical Analyses of Proximal Femur Osteosynthesis by DHS System. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2011, vol. 7, no. 27, p. 60-65. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horák, Z. - Jirman, R.: Custom made implants of the sceletal defects. Lékař a technika. 2008, roč. 38, č. 4, s. 65-70. ISSN 0301-5491.
  • Horák, Z. - Kubovy, P. - Horáková, J.: Does mechanical loading influence development of osteoarthritis in hip joint?. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2011, vol. 14, no. S1, p. 263-264. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Horák, Z. - Kubový, P. - Stupka, M. - Horáková, J.: Biomechanical factors influencing the beginning and development of osteoarthritis in the hip joint. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. 2011, vol. 161, no. 13-14, p. 1-7. ISSN 0043-5341.
  • Horák, Z. - Kubový, P. - Stupka, M. - Horáková, J.: FE Analysis and Experimental Measurement of the Mechanical Loading Influence on the Onset and Development of Hip Joint Osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics. 2007, vol. 40, no. S2, p. 567. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Horák, Z. - Tichý, P. - Koukalová, J. - Sedláček, R.: Artificial Intervertebral Disc. Journal of Biomechanics. 2007, vol. 40, no. S2, p. 602. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Horák, Z. - Vlček, M. - Landor, I.: Biomechanical analyses of distal radius osteosynthesis. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2010, roč. 6, č. 24, s. 66-70. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horný, L. - Adámek, T. - Gultová, E. - Žitný, R. - Veselý, J. - et al.: Correlations between Age, Prestrain, Diameter and Atherosclerosis in the Male Abdominal Aorta. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2011, vol. 4, no. 8, p. 2128-2132. ISSN 1751-6161.
  • Horný, L. - Adámek, T. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - Veselý, J. - et al.: LONGITUDINAL PRESTRETCH IN HUMAN INFRARENAL AORTA. Journal of Biomechanics. 2012, vol. 45, no. S1, p. S24. ISSN 0021-9290.
  • Horný, L. - Adámek, T. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R.: Age estimation based on a combined arteriosclerotic index. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2012, vol. 126, no. 2, p. 321-326. ISSN 0937-9827.
  • Horný, L. - Adamek, T. - Kulvajtova, M.: Analysis of axial prestretch in the abdominal aorta with reference to post mortem interval and degree of atherosclerosis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2014, vol. 33, p. 93-98. ISSN 1751-6161.
  • Horný, L. - Adámek, T. - Veselý, J. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - et al.: Age-related distribution of longitudinal pre-strain in abdominal aorta with emphasis on forensic application.Forensic Science International. 2012, vol. 214, no. 1-3, p. 18-22. ISSN 0379-0738.
  • Horný, L. - Adámek, T. - Žitný, R.: Age-related changes in longitudinal prestress in human abdominal aorta. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2013, vol. 83, no. 6, p. 875-888. ISSN 0939-1533.
  • Horný, L. - Gultová, E. - Chlup, H. - Kronek, J. - Sedláček, R. - et al.: Mullins Effect in Aorta and Limiting Extensibility Evolution. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2010, vol. 6, no. 21, p. 1-5. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horný, L. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - Adámek, T.: Constitutive modeling of coronary artery bypass graft with incorporated torsion. Metallurgy. 2010, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 273-277. ISSN 0543-5846.
  • Horný, L. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - Voňavková, T. - Veselý, J. - et al.: Ex vivo coronary stent implantation evaluated with digital image correlation. Experimental Mechanics. 2012, vol. 52, no. 9, p. 1555-1558. ISSN 0014-4851.
  • Horný, L. - Kronek, J. - Chlup, H. - Žitný, R. - Veselý, J. - et al.: Orientations of collagen fibers in aortic histological section. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2010, vol. 6, no. 22, p. 25-29. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horný, L. - Netušil, M. - Daniel, M.: Limiting extensibility constitutive model with distributed fibre orientations and ageing of abdominal aorta. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2014, vol. 38, p. 39-51. ISSN 1751-6161.
  • Horný, L. - Netušil, M. - Voňavková, T.: Axial prestretch and circumferential distensibility in biomechanics of abdominal aorta. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2014, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 783-799. ISSN 1617-7959.
  • Horný, L. - Veselý, J. - Chlup, H. - Janouchová, K. - Vyšanská, M.: Nitinol filament pull-out test. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2012, vol. 8, no. 32, p. 77-80. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horný, L. - Žitný, R. - Chlup, H. - Adámek, T. - Šára, M.: Limiting Fiber Extensibility as Parameter for Damage in Venous Wall. PROCEEDINGS OF WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. 2008, vol. 34, no. 8, p. 200-203. ISSN 1307-6884.
  • Horný, L. - Žitný, R. - Chlup, H. - Adámek, T. - Šára, M.: Limiting Fiber Extensibility as Parameter for Damage in Venous Wall. International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2011, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 196-199. ISSN 2073-0527.
  • Horný, L. - Žitný, R. - Chlup, H. - Konvičková, S.: Limiting fiber extensibility model for arterial wall. Engineering of Biomaterials. 2008, vol. 11, no. 81-84, p. 112-113. ISSN 1429-7248.
  • Horný, L. - Žitný, R. - Chlup, H. - Macková, H.: Identification of material parameters of an aortic wall. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2006, vol. 2, no. 8, p. 173-181. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Horný, L.: Effect of axial prestretch on inflation instability in finitely extensible thin-walled tube. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics. 2014, vol. 10, no. 36, p. 5-10. ISSN 1801-1217.
  • Hrabánková, I. - Frýda, J. - Šepitka, J. - Sasaki, T. - Frýdová, B. - et al.: Mechanical properties of deep-sea molluscan shell. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2013, vol. 16, p. 287-289. ISSN 1025-5842.
  • Hrubina, M. - Horák, Z. - Bartoška, R. - Navrátil, L. - Rosina, J.: Computational modeling in the prediction of Dynamic Hip Screw failure in proximal femoral fractures.Journal of APPLIED BIOMEDICINE. 2013, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 143-151. ISSN 1214-0287.
  • Chlup, H. - Novotný, Pavel - Žitný, R.: Accuracy of tracer stimulus response experiments in laminar flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012, vol. 55, no. 23-24, p. 6458-6462. ISSN 0017-9310.
  • Iglič, A. - Tzaphlidou, M. - Remškar, M. - Babnik, B. - Daniel, M. - et al.: Stable Shapes of Thin Anisotropic Nanostrips. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostrustures. 2005, vol. 13, no. 13, p. 183-192. ISSN 1536-383X.
  • Ihde, S. - Goldmann, T. - Himmlová, L. - Aleksic, Z. - Kuželka, J.: Implementation of Contact Definitions Calculated by FEA to Describe the Healing Process of Basal Implants. Biomedical Papers. 2008, vol. 152, no. 1, p. 169-173. ISSN 1213-8118.
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